Friday, August 28, 2009

"New" Elliott Smith song - "Grand Mal" Leaks, Bazookaluca Is Giddy

As many of you know, I am unabashed about my love for Elliott Smith; he is my favorite songwriter. The dude's never written a bad song in my book.

So you can imagine my excitement when a previously unreleased song, "Grand Mal", leaked onto the Sweet Adeline message boards this week. The song was probably recorded during the sessions for XO (which had the working title of Grand Mal) and is likely a demo, given Elliott's voice coming in at the end saying, "Forget it, now it's too fast."


You can also download this song on the Sweet Adeline board.

Update: Apparently the song has been removed from YouTube and the Sweet Adeline link has also been broken. I'll try to update with some new locations when they inevitably become available.

Another Update: You can still download the track here

Yet Another Update: You're shit out of luck. You can no longer download or stream it for now. Email me and maybe you'll get lucky. 

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Emo Bunny Needs A Ride To The Dashboard Confessional Show (And A Hug)

Have I posted this picture before? I don't remember. But it's worth reposting, if that's the case.
Emo bunny, you're the best...

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Breast Implants Aid In Solving Jasmine Fiore's Murder Case

Surely by now you've heard of the murder/suicide involving former swimsuit model Jasmine Fiore and her VH1 reality show contestant husband, Ryan Alexander Jenkins. A certain gruesome detail of this crime is that in trying to conceal her identity and slow down the police investigation, Jenkins extracted Fiore's teeth and removed all her fingers after murdering her. However, what Jenkins didn't count on was this:
"Law enforcement sources have told CNN that Fiore was identified through the serial numbers on her breast implants."
Who would've thunk it? I, for one, had no idea breast implants were traceable and/or had serial numbers. Maybe the cosmetic surgery industry should try inflating this as a selling point (no pun intended... kinda).

New Pearl Jam Song - "Supersonic"

Here is a new track for the forthcoming Pearl Jam album, Backspacer, due out September 20th. It's called "Supersonic" and it's got a Ramones/Dead Boys vibe to it.


Previously: Pearl Jam Streams New Single, The Fixer

Friday, August 21, 2009

Marcy Playground Wants To Get Into Your Girlfriend's Pants

Looking for a gift for your 90's one-hit wonder obsessed girlfriend? Want to spend less than $15?

Well, look no more. Why not get her these "Sex And Candy Hot Pants" straight from the Marcy Playground website?

Guaranteed to make her feel like a single double cherry pie (or at the very least, like a disco superfly.)

Mama, this surely is a dream...

Monday, August 17, 2009

Jazz Fusion Is In No Need Of Additional Saxual Healing

Pic courtesy of Google Images, I couldn't make this shit up if I tried.

There is a cliché in the music business that goes so deep that it might just be its own sub-genre. I am of course talking about the "sax/sex" double entendre prevalent in jazz and easy listening album titles. Surely you've come across a few: Sax On The Beach, The Joy of Sax, Safe Sax, etc.

They are especially rampant among jazz fusion combos and contemporary instrumental crap like John Tesh. Basically, all you need is a saxophone and the capacity to come up with trite sexual puns. I'm halfway there!

We can perhaps blame the play on words on the inherent sensual tone of the saxophone; after all, how is one to keep from making such an obvious connection when virtually every love scene shot between 1970 and 1990 was accompanied by someone blowing through a sax. The reaction is downright Pavlonian in nature: Sax=Sex.

I was curious to see just how extensive this sub-genre was, so I searched for the word "sax" on Amazon. Within minutes I had compiled the following list.

Actual Sax/Sex Titles As Found On Amazon
*denotes the rare occasion where the band name is also a sax/sex pun
  • All The Sax You've Ever Dreamed Of - Leo Potts, Claude Debussy, and Russell Garcia
  • Art Of Sax - Art Of Sax*
  • Exciting Sax - Sammy Rimington
  • Gratuitous Sax & Senseless Violins - Sparks (this one is fucking genius)
  • Great Sax - Sil Austin
  • I'd Rather Be Having Sax - Jerry Peterson
  • Joy Of Sax - Jerry Dodgion
  • Let's Talk Sax - Mark Cassara
  • Little Sax On Christmas - Krys Mach
  • Lotta Sax Appeal - Andy Kirk & His 12 Clouds Of Joy
  • Mouth Full Of Sax - Carl Ferris
  • Rough Sax - Christopher Brown
  • Safe Sax - Safe Sax*
  • Sax All Night Long - Jazztown Trio
  • Sax And The City - Sam Levine, as well as at least 3 others
  • Sax Appeal - Kim Waters
  • Sax By Candlelight - Golden Sax Orchestra
  • Sax By The Sea - Various Artists
  • Sax Change Operation - Tim Cunningham & Four of a Kind
  • Sax Drive - Richard Rodney Bennett, Stanley Myers, Michael Torke, and David Alan Miller
  • Sax For Adults Only - Richard Beaudet
  • Sax It Up - Saxmachine*
  • Sax Maniac/ Sax Education - James Chance
  • Sax Maniac - D. Melo
  • Sax Me - Various Artists
  • Sax On The Beach/ Sax By The Fire/ Sax All Night - John Tesh
  • Sax On The Floor - No Coffee... No Workee
  • Sax Symbol - Sonny Rollins
  • Sax Talk - James & Fost Moody
  • Sax Therapy - Dave Short
  • Sax With Strings Attached - Martin Piecuch, Gerhard Maasz, Alphonse Stallaert, Leon Stein, and Stravinsky Quartet
  • Saxuality - Candy Dulfer
  • Smokin' Sax - Johnny Griffin
  • The Battle Of The Saxes - Stan Getz
  • Unforgettable Sax - Hugh Brodie
  • Unsafe Sax/ Tuff Sax/ Moanin' Sax - Ace Cannon
As you can see, both John Tesh and Ace Cannon enter the "sax/sex" Hall of Fame with no less than three albums apiece. Famed No Wave skronker James Chance gets an honorable mention with two.

But I fear this is just the tip of the iceberg. My search was only limited to Amazon, so I have to assume that are many more out there on sites like CdBaby and the dozens of other online music distribution sites.

Perhaps the most amusing part of this investigation is that while doing research for this piece in the office, my fellow coworkers and I spent hours making up our own as-of-yet unused "sax/sex" titles. These are a bit too risqué or derivative to actually make it, but then again, I wouldn't be too surprised if John Tesh's new album ends up being called Registered Sax Offender or something.

Suggested Titles
(with additional credit to John, Shalewa, Brandon, Joy & Tommy)
  • Anal Sax
  • Backseat Sax
  • Bisaxual
  • Consensual Sax
  • Crazy, Saxy, Cool
  • Dirty Sax
  • Goldman Sax Stimulus Saxage (personal favorite)
  • Group Sax (obvious, but as-of-yet unused)
  • Hardcore Sax (sax covers of Minor Threat & Black Flag?)
  • Heterosaxual
  • Homosaxual
  • I Did Not Have Saxual Relations With That Woman
  • I Wanna Sax You Up
  • I'm Too Saxy
  • Lick My Sweaty Ball Sax
  • Make-up Sax
  • Midget Sax (as seen here)
  • Missionary Position Sax
  • Oral Sax
  • Phone Sax
  • Registered Sax Offender
  • Risky Saxual Behavior
  • Sax, Lies & Videotape
  • Sax Before Marriage
  • Sax From Behind (old timey songs performed on sax)
  • Sax In The Club
  • Saxby Chambliss (oh wait, that's his real name?)
  • Saxual Chocolate
  • Saxual Healing
  • Saxual Positions
  • Saxual Prowess
  • Saxual Tension
  • Saxually Transmitted Diseases
  • SaxyBack
  • Tantric Sax (Saxophone-driven Sting covers?)
  • Three Way Sax (for a trio of saxophonists, of course)
  • Unconventional Sax
  • Underage Sax (Kidz Bop-style Sax Covers)
I bet you can come up with some that we missed in the comment section, you saxy thing.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Hey, Look At That, The Comment Section Isn't Always Reserved For Calling People n00bs. Go Figure.

Sometimes, on a very rare occasion, the best commentary on a social issue topic can only be found in the comment sections on Fark.

This, a comment from someone listed as Ozone at 02:03:58 PM on 8/13/09 on this Fark page.
This morning I was awoken by my alarm clock powered by electricity generated by the public power monopoly regulated by the U.S. Department of Energy.

I then took a shower in the clean water provided by a municipal water utility.

After that, I turned on the TV to one of the FCC-regulated channels to see what the National Weather Service of the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration determined the weather was going to be like, using satellites designed, built, and launched by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.

I watched this while eating my breakfast of U.S. Department of Agriculture-inspected food and taking the drugs which have been determined as safe by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

At the appropriate time, as regulated by the U.S. Congress and kept accurate by the National Institute of Standards and Technology and the U.S. Naval Observatory, I get into my National Highway Traffic Safety Administration-approved automobile and set out to work on the roads build by the local, state, and federal Departments of Transportation, possibly stopping to purchase additional fuel of a quality level determined by the Environmental Protection Agency, using legal tender issued by the Federal Reserve Bank.

On the way out the door I deposit any mail I have to be sent out via the U.S. Postal Service and drop the kids off at the public school.

After spending another day not being maimed or killed at work thanks to the workplace regulations imposed by the Department of Labor and the Occupational Safety and Health administration, enjoying another two meals which again do not kill me because of the USDA, I drive my NHTSA car back home on the DOT roads, to my house which has not burned down in my absence because of the state and local building codes and Fire Marshal's inspection, and which has not been plundered of all its valuables thanks to the local police department.

And then I log on to the internet -- which was developed by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Administration -- and post on and Fox News forums about how SOCIALISM in medicine is BAD because the government can't do anything right.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Albums That You Should Own, But Perhaps Don't (And In That Case, You Soon Will): Self - Subliminal Plastic Motives

Self - Subliminal Plastic Motives

This is the most 90's album ever, in a good way. If there was any justice in this world, Self should have been as big as Weezer.


Thursday, August 6, 2009

I've Always Wondered What The Other Half Was

PETA Is Detrimental To The Animal Rights Movement. Yeah, I Said It (Now Move On, Already)

In this new feature called Yeah, I Said It (Now Move On Already), bazookaluca attempts to dole out some simple truths about certain subjects. These maxims might be ignored or suppressed by people who are out to derail the betterment of humanity as a whole. You yourself might even disagree with some of the statements contained within these pages, and I would humbly respect your opinion if it (and you) weren't, in fact, wrong. But it is (and you are), so listen up:

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals founder Ingrid Newkirk is a highly motivated person, but in the way that Osama bin Laden, Ann Coulter, and Reverend Fred Phelps are highly motivated people; which is to say, we'd all be better off if they decided not to get out of bed in the morning.

Like the rest of these cultural pests, Newkirk has used underhanded, shock-and-awe tactics and, more often than not, crazy attention-grabbing stunts, in an attempt to subvert some facet of the establishment. She's done this mostly to the detriment of her own cause—to stop animals from being eaten, worn, experimented on, or used for entertainment. And while under the right circumstances these are worthwhile causes to champion, it is the belligerent manner with which her organization chooses to attain these goals that is ultimately detrimental to the credibility of the animal rights movement as a whole.

From its very start, PETA was inherently founded on unrealistic and impractical ideals. Their stance on complete animal noninterference by humans is beyond delusional, if not plainly idiotic. They make the assumption that humans are to act as mere spectators in the food chain and not as active participants. Even as a decade-plus vegetarian, I see this as a blatant misconception of evolutionary history.

And what's more, in their fervor to reject speciesism (the practice of assigning different values or rights to animals based on their respective species), they ignore the benefits of symbiotic relationships in nature, which clearly are integral components of survival. In their failure to recognize that different species stand to gain from each other by interacting, they oppose such innocuous practices as blind persons using seeing-eye dogs and farming bees for honey production.

These acts are not only advantageous for humans, but also harmless for the animals involved. While perhaps humans may stand to gain more than the animals involved in these cases, it's certainly a victimless crime. In return for their duties, the dogs are fed, loved and taken care of and the bees are merely left to do what they are evolutionarily programmed to do—make honey.

What I find more ludicrous, and what most people might not even know about PETA, is that they don't want people to have animals as pets. At all. No interaction, whatsoever. This, in spite of the fact that the vast majority of its supporters are proud pet owners themselves. PETA equates pet ownership to slavery and ignores the fact that responsible pet owners can be as committed to their animals as they are to other humans, if not more so. Once again, they fail to recognize that two species can benefit from each other by cohabiting.

Even with a clearly controversial issue such as biomedical research—one that makes most people uncomfortable—the reality is that the discovery and production of medicines such as insulin, penicillin, anticoagulants and pain killers would not have been possible without animal testing, therefore, we as humans have an inherent civic responsibility to pursue testing for the sake of a better existence and progress. However, Newkirk has stated that "even if animal research resulted in a cure for AIDS, we'd be against it."

Not coincidentally, PETA gained notoriety for uncovering cruel practices in a primate research laboratory at the Institute of Behavioral Research in Silver Springs, Maryland in 1981. And rightly, it led to an amendment to the Animal Welfare Act in 1985 that ensured that researchers do not cause unnecessary suffering to laboratory animals. This type of pursuit is commendable because it exposed misconduct by a largely unregulated industry. But PETA's focus gradually switched from fighting for worthwhile causes and advancing the public discourse on issues regarding animal rights to frivolously attempting to gain international attention as a way to raise funds. This has been attributed to Ingrid Newkirk's own ambition and moral entitlement.

In this shameless pursuit of attention, PETA's image has almost exclusively been characterized by exploitative marketing techniques which often include ad campaigns that are demeaning and objectifying to women. They think that they can take a misogynistic approach to selling virtuous principles, as long as it gains press. Newkirk doesn't deny it:
The fact is we may be doing all sorts of things on a campaign but the one thing that gets attention is the outrageous thing. It simply goes to prove to us each time, that that is the thing that’s going to work; and so we won’t shirk from doing that facet.
– Ingrid Newkirk, Satya, January, 2001
But is it ethical to advance one set of values to the detriment of another?

And what about the endless string of publicity stunts that keep them in the news, including but not limited to:
  • Putting a naked pregnant woman in a cage to dramatize the plight of pigs.
  • Throwing buckets of paint onto people wearing fur.
  • Breaking into stores and vandalizing leather merchandise.
  • Running celebrity ads where they'd "Rather Go Naked Than Wear Fur".
  • Referring to factory farming as "Holocaust On Your Plate".
  • Passing out pamphlets comparing the suffering of animals to the plight of slavery, while dressed in KKK outfits.
  • Asking the Pet Shop Boys to change their name to the "Rescue Shelter Boys".
  • Demanding that we start calling fish "sea kittens".
  • Saying that feeding your kids meat is child abuse.
  • Saying that eating meat will give you a limp dick.
  • Asking Ben & Jerry's to start using breast milk in their ice cream instead of dairy milk.
  • Getting Playmates to wear lettuce bikinis at public events.
  • Trying to air an overtly sexual "Vegetarianism Is Sexy" ad during the Super Bowl.
  • Sending President Obama a Humane Bug Catcher after he swatted a fly during a television interview.
  • Pushing to halt the Seattle fish mongers from tossing fish.
  • Distributing "Unhappy Meals", containing a menacing, knife-wielding Ronald McDonald cutout, a ketchup packet disguised as chicken blood, a plastic chicken covered in blood and a "McCruelty" t-shirt.
At what point does this impertinence become self-defeating? Is this progressive or regressive marketing?

In spite of all this, PETA's credibility is ultimately plagued by its own contradictory company practices. It preaches compassion and equality while condoning the use of violence, extortion and intimidation to achieve its own goals. The group has provided financial support to the Animal Liberation Front, a militant group, characterized by the FBI as a domestic terror threat. Its members have been linked to several acts of arson and plots of violence.

But perhaps what is most hypocritical is the outrageous numbers of pet euthanasia that PETA has been responsible for in the last few years. Since 1998, PETA has put down more than 17,400 animals. In 2006, in Virginia alone, PETA killed 97.4 percent of the animals it took in. Just twelve animals—out of 3,061 the group took in that year—were adopted out to new owners. To put this in perspective, in Virginia the average euthanasia rate for the Humane Society was just 34.7 percent in 2006.

In 2005, police in North Carolina discovered that in the course of a month, 80 animals had been euthanized by PETA shelter workers and criminally dumped in area commercial dumpsters. Animal abuse charges were filed.

PETA has justified their actions by saying that the vast majority of the animals it takes in are unwanted and that the conditions the animals were previously being kept in prevents them from being adoptable. But recently, a number of no-kill shelters around the country have shown that the overpopulation perception is largely just a myth. The Nevada Humane Society has acchieved adoption rates of upward of 90% just by dramatically ramping up volunteer programs and extending work hours in recent years.

Surly, if PETA—the largest and most well-funded animal rights group in the world ($34 million in revenue, 2008)—wanted to, it could acchieve the same kind of success. But their view on pet ownership as slavery prevents them from doing so; they would rather kill an animal than make an effort to get it adopted.

Ultimately, PETA is more of a detriment to the animal rights movement than a benefit. Their claim that they're merely raising awareness by any means necessary is misguided and dangerous. It raises loads of money by preying on celebrity endorsements and publicity stunts, but does very little in terms of positive, progressive action.

If you care about animals and want to make a real difference, you're better off giving your money and your time to organizations like these:

The Humane Society

Now stop giving PETA money and move on already!


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